The Chester Fire Services Committee's has been approved by all parties: by the Committee on March 6, 2024; and by the joint owners of the Committee: the Village of Chester on March 20, 2024 and the Municipality of Chester on March 28, 2024.
Having the budget passed before the start of the fiscal year on April 1st is a condition of the Intermunicipal Fire Agreement that governs the Village-Municipality partnership, and sets the Chester Volunteer Fire Department up with the support they need to both operate and plan for the future.
All residents in the CVFD's services area (Districts 3, 7 and part of 1) pay the same fire rate, which has seen a small increase this year to 0.094 to enable greater investment in reserves for equipment replacement and for the proposed new fire station which is currently in the pre-design phase. This fire rate is still the lowest in the Municipality.
For more background on the Committee and the budget, see the materials posted under "Chester Fire Services Committee - Annual Meeting".
2024/2025 CVFD Fire Budget (Final)
2023/2024 Audited Financial Statement
Prior years financial statements are available on the Village website or by request.